The Tempest re-imagined for everyone aged six and over

The Tempest re-imagined for everyone aged six and over

at Regent's Park Open Air Theatre

Price from $ 31.40

"We are such stuff as dreams are made on" When the sorcerer Prospero conjures up a storm to shipwreck his enemies, he sets the scene for an enchanting tale of spells, monsters, revenge and romance. In this 75-minute show, The Tempest re-imagined for everyone aged six and over brings Shakespeare's text thrillingly to life for younger audiences. Revised and directed by Jennifer Tang.


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Venue Information

Regent's Park Open Air Theatre
Regent's Park

Show Information

Booking from

Booking until

Running Time:
75 mintues (no interval)


(10 mins) Baker Street is the nearest tube station to the Open Air Theatre. Exit Baker Street on to Marylebone Road and turn left. Proceed past Madame Tussauds along Marylebone Road and turn left into York Gate. Continue straight up York Gate and over<

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